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The comparison of the Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) and Light Emission Diode (LED) Fluorescence Microscopy is tabulated below:


Direct Microscopy for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB)





Figure 1: Bright Field Microscope used in Ziehl–Neelsen (ZN) staining of AFB

Light Emission Diode (LED) 

Fluorescence Microscopy

Figure 2: LED-Fluorescent Microscope used in fluorescent staining of AFB

Figure 3: ZN-stained slide used in direct microscopy

Figure 4: Auramine-O-stained slide used in fluorescent microscopy

Method used widely for the diagnosis and confirmation of pulmonary tuberculosis Method used less commonly for the diagnosis and confirmation of pulmonary tuberculosis
Staining procedure complex  Staining procedure simpler
Examination at lower magnification is NOT possible Examination at lower magnification is possible
Takes more time than LED-FM Takes 75% less time than ZN and chances to lose scanty slides are also minimized.
Low durability High durability
Less sensitive 10% more sensitivity than Bright Field ZN microscopy 
As specific as LED-FM Equally as specific as ZN microscopy 
No need for an experienced lab technician Needs an experienced lab technician
Technical errors are common Technical errors are less common
Misses the paucibacillary TB cases, especially when the patient is co-infected with HIV Identifies the paucibacillary TB cases especially when the patient is co-infected with HIV





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