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Table: Steps in Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Packaging Specimen during Transportation for TB Diagnosis
  • Step 1. Make sure that the specimen collection tube is tightly closed after the sample has been collected from the patient.
  • Step 2. Wipe the outer surface of the 50 ml conical tube with 5% phenol followed by absorbent tissues and allow it to air dry.
  • Step 3. Write the patient details on the opaque area (white area) of the specimen collection tube using a permanent marker pen, clearly in capital letters.
  • Step 4. Cut the parafilm strip and wrap one of the strips at the joint between the cap and the neck of the specimen collection tube such that a secured seal is formed. (Primary receptacle/ package
  • Step 5. Open the absorbent cotton roll and spread it out on the workbench; separate the cotton into two equal layers. Roll the specimen collection tube containing the sample tightly in the absorbent cotton such that the tube is covered completely.
  • Step 6. Put this roll containing the specimen collection tube into the ziplock pouch. Roll the whole into a tight bundle, ensuring that there is no air in the pouch. This bundle should be secured with rubber bands. (Secondary receptacle/ package)
  • Step 7. Repeat steps 5–7 for the second sample of the patient.
  • Step 8. Insert the Test Request form printed from Nikshay into the ziplock pouch after ensuring that the details on the form and the sample tubes match, with the writing facing outside (details visible through the package). Seal the ziplock on the pouch.
  • Step 9. Place the cooled gel packs into the thermocol box, place the sample tubes packed in ziplock pouches on the frozen gel packs (frozen for 48 hours at -40°C) and also keep the pouch containing the Test Request form printed from Nikshay on top. Stick the BIOHAZARD sign over the lid and “To and From” stickers on the exterior of the thermocol box or box used to pack the specimen. Close the lid of the box and wrap it tightly with brown duct tape. (Tertiary receptacle/ package)
  • Step 10. Complete the ‘From’ and ‘To’ addresses on the stickers, using a permanent marker pen.


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