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Private sector engagement is a cross-cutting area under the BUILD pillar.


With an estimated 70% of tuberculosis (TB) patients seeking care in the private sector, the private sector involvement is important to ensure TB patients in private setting receive:

  • Timely diagnosis
  • Good quality treatment
  • Protection from high out-of-pocket expenditure
  • Other public health services such as:
    • Comorbidity testing
    • Contact investigation
    • Counselling
    • Adherence monitoring
    • Nutritional support 
    • Outcome reporting


Table 1 highlights the successful activities and planned activities to achieve private sector engagement under the NSP 2020-2025.


Table 1: Select private sector engagement interventions deployed or planned under the Build Pillar of the NSP 2020-25; Source: National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Elimination 2020–2025; pp 39; 63-70

Strategic Area 1.4

Strengthen and scale-up the existing private sector engagement mechanisms with new additionalities to enlist greater private sector participation and programme reach   

Key Interventions Specific Activities
1.4.1. Continue to improve Tuberculosis (TB) notification from private healthcare providers
  • Penalizing non-notification of TB cases
  • Incentives to private providers/ chemists for notification and reporting treatment outcomes
  • Expand collaborative effort with the private sector
1.4.2. Strengthen collaboration with corporate hospitals to cover all facets of TB elimination
  • Establish nodal centres within corporate hospitals
  • Linkage with existing management information systems (MIS) to Nikshay
1.4.3. Ensure patient support till completion of treatment
  • Deploying refilling and adherence monitoring system
  • Nutritional support via Nikshay Poshan Yojana
  • Use of Patient Provider Support Agency (PPSA) support
1.4.4.  Improve access to diagnostics for TB patients notified from the private sector
  • Establish linkages for giving diagnostic access to patients in the private sector
  • Access to rapid diagnostic services
  • Use of national free diagnostic scheme in private labs that are collocated with district hospitals

1.4.5. Improve access to drugs for TB patients notified from the private sector


  • Access to drugs in local private pharmacies, or Jan-Aushadhi, or online pharmacies
  • Establish a scheme for free anti-TB drugs that flow through the private supply chain
1.4.6. Enhance surveillance and quality improvement
  • Patient feedback systems
  • Strengthening use of Schedule H1 Register
1.4.7. Expand Information and Communications Technology (ICT) support to support the TB patients and private provider
  • Enhanced use of Nikshay
  • QR coding of TB drugs
  • Increase uptake of Digital Adherence Technologies
1.4.8. Involvement of AYUSH Providers
  • AYUSH providers will be provided with informant incentives for referring presumptive TB and detection of TB patients
1.4.9. Involvement of Health Establishments under other line Ministries, Public sector undertakings (PSUs), Corporates, etc.
  • Engagement with the Private Sector through Indian Medical Association (IMA) and other such associations





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