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DNA extraction for Line Probe Assay (LPA) from clinical specimens can be performed in either a BSL-2 or BSL-3 laboratory, while DNA extraction from mycobacterial cultures must be performed in a BSL-3 laboratory. Only after heat-killing of the organism and DNA isolation can the sample be considered non-infectious and moved to the LPA laboratory.


The subsequent steps, i.e., amplification and post-amplification, only require a BSL-1 laboratory.


Aspects of biosafety in LPA laboratory include:


  • Facility Design 
    • Workflow description
    • Rooms required to complete LPA procedures
    • Access to authorized personnel only
    • Electricity and backup power supply
  • Laboratory Equipment
    • Equipment operation
    • Equipment maintenance
  • Safe Lab Practices
    • Cleaning and disinfecting work areas
    • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Disinfection and decontamination
    • Biomedical waste management





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