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  • Cleaning a Microscope

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will be able to perform steps of cleaning a microscope.


Regular cleaning of microscope is essential to ensure that it is optimally functioning. Cleaning is important to remove dirt, lens immersion oil and ensure disinfection. It involves cleaning the lenses, the body, the stage of the microscope and the light source. The microscope needs to be cleaned daily and the lenses need to be cleaned after each use.

Materials used for cleaning:

  1. Lint free cloth
  2. Lens paper
  3. Lens cleaning solution
  4. 70% ethanol
  5. Detergent solution

Procedure for Cleaning Different Parts of the Microscope

  1. The eyepiece shades, stage, focusing knob and nose piece are commonly touched during microscope operation, so these parts and the body of the microscope must be cleaned first to remove any stains with a neutral detergent /solution recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. To clean the microscope eyepiece, objective lens, surfaces of the condenser and the light exit glass, moisten a lens paper with 1 to 2 drops of lens cleaning solution and clean the lens/ glass with a circular/spiral motion (as shown in the figure below).
    • Dry with a clean, dry piece of lens paper.
    • Use the Spiral Wiping Technique: Wipe from the center to the periphery in a circular motion.
    • The oil immersion lens should be cleaned after each use to ensure that immersion oil is not left on the surface.
  3. The microscope surface and parts (except the lenses) need to be disinfected using 70% ethanol.

Figure: Cleaning of Lenses using the Spiral Wiping Technique. Source: How to Clean the Microscope


Important Considerations for Cleaning Microscopes

  • Do not blow air to remove the dirt.
  • Do not wipe the lens with an ordinary cloth. All the lenses should be cleaned with dry lens paper/lint-free cloth. 
  • Never use spirit or alcohol or xylene to clean the lenses as these can damage them.
  • Avoid using organic solvents that may damage plastic parts.
  • Whenever possible, use the cleaning fluid recommended by the manufacturer.
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Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test

The lenses of the microscope should be cleaned with 70% alcoholic solution. 


True False     2

Lenses should never be cleaned with alcoholic solution and should always be cleaned with lens solution and lens paper.


  Yes Yes
At what frequency should the lenses of a microscope be cleaned?  After each use Daily Weekly Monthly 1 The oil immersion lens should be cleaned after each use to ensure that the immersion oil  is not left on the surface.   Yes Yes

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