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The binocular microscope requires considerable care in its use, regular cleaning, and protection from dust and fungal growth.

Annual maintenance of a microscope includes:

  1. Checking for broken or damaged parts and ensuring that the lenses, mirrors and other light-conducting surfaces are clean.
  2. Cleaning the lenses first for dirt with a blower brush, then wiping with lens solution on a lens paper/ 70% alcohol on the lens paper.
  3. Removing eyepieces or objectives from their fixation holes for cleaning.
  4. Properly cleaning the lower lens of the condenser after removal from its fixing.
  5. Cleaning the slide holder after removing from the mechanical stage.
  6. Cleaning for any deposition of immersion oil and fungal growth on the prisms in the binocular tube and eyepieces
  7. Changing electrical services including bulbs and fuses.
  8. Greasing/ lubrication of movable parts.

National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) has earmarked INR 2000 for Annual Maintenance [AMC] per binocular microscope including spare parts and repairs.


  1. Module for Laboratory Technicians.
  2. Laboratory diagnosis by sputum smear microscopy.
  3. Norms and Basis of Costing.


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What is the AMC cost for each binocular microscope under NTEP? INR 1000 INR 5000 INR 3000 INR 2000 4 NTEP has earmarked INR 2000 for Annual Maintenance (AMC) per binocular microscope, including spare parts and repairs.   Yes Yes

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