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  • TB Free Work Place Policy

    Learning Objectives

    Detailing on how a TB Free WP policy frame work is & encouraging the participant in developing a TB free WP poilcy for their organization such as TB in HR induction, systematic review


Any workplace committed to become a TB free workplace will have a policy/guidelines ensuring their commitment to non discrimination on grounds of real or perceived TB status, awareness generation, prevention of TB transmission, early diagnosis, treatment initiation, support for completion of treatment and continuation of employment relationship irrespective of the disease status. 

Model organizations workplace policy

  • The organization will treat TB as a workplace issue because it affects the health of workers and the productivity of the organization. 
  • The organization will not discriminate against workers based on known or presumed status of Tuberculosis. No one should experience discrimination on the basis of their TB status, whether in terms of continuing employment relationships or access to health insurance, occupational safety, and health care schemes. 
  • The organization will not ask job applicants or employees to disclose information whether they have TB or not. Access to personal data about health status of employees, including about TB will be kept confidential. 
  •  Organization shall foster a culture of care towards workers who are afflicted with Tuberculosis. 
  • Prevention of TB will be a key priority. Continuous efforts will be made to make workers aware of symptoms of Tuberculosis, and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment 
  • Employees will be encouraged to seek voluntary TB screening, including self-screening 
  •  Air-borne Infection Control measures will be promoted to prevent transmission of Tuberculosis among the workers. 
  • Counselling services will be ensured for workers and their family members seeking help on issues related to Tuberculosis. 
  • Support for treatment adherence and completion will be provided to all workers affected with TB. - Provision of nutritional support to all workers undergoing treatment for TB. 
  • Employees with TB should be entitled to work for as long as they are medically fit and appropriate work is available. Reasonable accommodation will be provided to workers affected with TB to enable them to keep their jobs. This may include leave or temporary change in allotted duties to continue treatment or others until the situation demands. 
  • Information of all workers’ data diagnosed with TB will be updated in Ni-kshay


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