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  • Case Studies of TB Free Work Places

    Learning Objectives

    Sharing experience of other organisation working for TB Free WP status and encourage the participants.


Example 1:  Adani Ports & Special economic zones:

Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited (APSEZ) is the largest commercial ports operator in India accounting for nearly one-fourth of the cargo movement in India.


Case Study by Adani Ports

Key Lessons:

Adani Ports set the model of extending the commitment of TB Free workplace to the families and the contractual workers, identifying the contagious nature of the disease. 


Example 2:  TB Free workplace campaigns by Goodricke Tea:

Goodricke Group Ltd - part of Camellia Plc, an international group of diverse companies, has tea estates and factories located across Assam and West Bengal including in the Darjeeling hills.

Goodricke Tea Activity and impact
Goodricke Picture

Key Lessons:

The intervention encompasses community engagement to increase knowledge base and encourage health seeking behaviour; early detection and diagnosis; active case findingand contact screening; free treatment supported with nutrition supplementation and counselling. 

Leveraging the existing health infrastructure of the National TB Elimination Program by the government made the model resource efficient.


Example 3:  TB Free workplace campaigns by Becton and Dickinson:

Becton and Dickinson (BD) is a global medical techinology company that is advanicing the world of health by improving medical discovery, diagnostics and the delivery of care.BD initiated the TB Free Workplace campaign to
not only communicate the gravity of this disease in its family but also to inculcate the STRIDES (Strengthen
TB Resistance Testing & Diagnostic Systems) vision.


BD TB Free workplace
BD WP Policy


  • With the endorsement and suppor of the top leadership of BD, the TB Free workplace campaign has educated the entire families on TB.
  • The TB Committee and ambassadors are committed to make TB Free workplace a priority within BD.
  • The TB training followed by quize increased the benchmark of the knowledge on TB across the organization.





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