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  • PMDT Review Mechanisms

    Learning Objectives

    Explain the PMDT review mechanism at various levels, crucial indicators to review, and different committees taking the onus of review.


Alongside regular monitoring through Ni-kshay application, National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) also recommends conducting periodic meetings at various levels across the country to review the Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT).

These meetings help the programme through discussions and reviews of various aspects such as updates on guidelines, performance tracking, and taking corrective actions in order to address the implementation challenges wherever required.

PMDT Review Mechanism at Various Levels

Level Meeting Chair Frequency Participants/ Committees
National level Biannual National State TB Officer (STO) - Consultants’ meeting Deputy Director General (DDG)- TB Annual STOs & state PMDT coordinators in the region
Regional PMDT review meeting World Health Organisation (WHO) NTEP Regional Team Leads (RTLs) & consultants
State-level State PMDT committee meeting Principal Secretary (Health)/ Managing Director (MD) National Health Mission (NHM) Quarterly Members of state PMDT committee
District TB Officers (DTO) quarterly review meeting MD NHM/ STO Quarterly Concerned NHM and State TB Cell (STC) officials, State TB Training and Demonstration Centre (STDC), Intermediate Reference Laboratory (IRL), Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing (C&DST) lab and DTOs
Nodal DR-TB Centre (NDR-TBC) site coordination meeting Nodal officer/ Senior medical officer – NDR-TBC Quarterly (1st week of each quarter) Concerned NDR-TBC staff & all senior DR-TB TB-HIV supervisors of the districts linked to NDR-TBC
District-level NTEP review meeting of the Medical Officer – Tuberculosis Units (MO-TU) District magistrate/ Chief medical officer/ DTO Monthly District programme managers, MO-TU, medical college nodal officers, DR-TB nodal officers, In-charge/ microbiologists C&DST lab, Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS), Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS), Tuberculosis Health Visitor (TBHV), Laboratory Technician (LT), General Health System (GHS) staff
Block Level NTEP performance review MO-TU/ Block medical officer Monthly Block medical officer/ MO-TU, TU staff (STS, TBHV, STLS), Health Facility (HF) staff
Health Facility (HF) level NTEP performance review MO-HF Monthly STS, TBHV, STLS, HF staff including Community Health Officer (CHO) & team


Following are the key indicators* reviewed during a PMDT review:

  • Coverage of Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing (UDST)
  • Profile of resistance pattern reported for patients during that period
  • Turn-around time for lab activates
  • DR-TB notification rate
  • DR-TB treatment initiation rate within 7 days of diagnosis
  • DR Treatment adherence rate (both treatment interruption and lost to follow-up (LTFU))
  • Counselling and rate of retrieval or treatment interrupting/ LTFU patients
  • Interim smear/ culture conversion rate as per various regimen
  • Resolution of serious adverse events
  • Treatment outcomes
  • TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) Coverage and completion rate
  • Direct Beneficiary Transfer (DBT) coverage rate

(*All indicators are disaggregated and reviewed across age, gender and type of drug resistance.)





Question     Answer 1     Answer 2     Answer 3     Answer 4     Correct answer     Correct explanation     Page id     Part of Pre-test     Part of Post-test    
At what level under the NTEP are the Regional PMDT review meetings conducted? National State District Block 1 Regional PMDT review meetings are conducted at the national level and are attended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) NTEP Regional Team Leads (RTLs) & consultants.      Yes  Yes

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