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At the treatment centre, the District Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) HIV coordinator coordinates the counselling, pre-treatment evaluation, treatment initiation and maintains records of the DR-TB patient.

As the patient arrives at the DR-TB centre, the DR-TB HIV coordinator facilitates counselling of the patient, consultation with the DR-TB medical officer, and referral for pre-treatment evaluation. He/ she arranges for  fast-tracking of consultation/ investigations and ensure that treatment is initiated

The District DR TB HIV coordinator

  • Coordinate to arrange treatment supporters, train and monitor them
  • Coordinate with Peripheral Health Institute (PHI) for treatment continuation and follow-up
  • Ensure that the follow-up visit of the patient at the treatment centre is happening on time
  • Ensure that PMDT treatment books are updated and the data entry to Ni-kshay is accurate
  • Coordinate with Nodal/ DDR-TB Centre to update patient information records/ treatment cards and Ni-kshay data
  • Coordinate with Nodal/ DDR-TB Centre for patient referral and Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) management
  • Support updating the patient information template for referral of difficult-to-treat TB cases

Thus, the DR-TB HIV coordinator is responsible for treatment initiation, continuation and follow-up. They can develop a good rapport with the patient and family and function as an effective link between the DR-TB patient and the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP), which will improve treatment adherence and completion.

DR TB HIV  coordinator  coordinate with the private provider in the treatment and follow up of DR TB  patients diagnosed and wish to  continue their  treatment from private provider. 

  •   He/ She  ensures that  the patient is initiated on  DR TB  treatment and the data entry  is done in Ni-kshay. 
  •    They coordinate with the private provider for regular follow up and treatment adherence  of patient as well.


The DR TB  HIV  coordinator coordinates with the  staff of  peripheral health institution 

  • To locate the newly diagnosed DR TB patient and information disclosure
  • To mobilise the patient for  treatment initiation 
  • To ensure public health actions, contact tracing , TB  screening and TPT  initiation for eligible  cases
  •  Coordinate with the pharmacist of PHI  for timely  delivery of the DR  TB  drugs to the patient
  •  Ensure and monitor PMDT data completion at Ni- kshay at PHI/ T
  • Ensure that PMDT  treatment books are updated at PHI level
  • Coordinate with NTEP  staff of PHI for  regular follow up  of the patient





Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer Explanation Page ID Pre-test Post-test
Which of the following id true in relation to the role of DR TB coordinator in the treatment centre? Ensures treatment initiation Coordinates data management with NDR-TBC Ensures timely follow-up of the patient All the above 4 All statements are correct.      

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