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  • F-ICTC

    Learning Objectives

    Facility Integrated ICTC


Facility-integrated Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (F-ICTC) takes HIV Counselling and Testing Services (HCTS ) closer to the people, increasing the uptake of services while reducing transportation costs and waiting times. F-ICTC s can be mobile or fixed.


Location  Staff Pattern Services
  • 24-hour Primary Health Centres  (PHCs)
  • Private sector/ not-for-profit hospitals
  • Private laboratories
  • Public sector organisation-run hospitals or facilities
  • In the NGO sector
  • Existing staff of the institution is sensitised and trained to offer counselling and testing. 
  • The medical officer of the institution is in charge.
  • Pre-test counselling and informed consent 
  • HIV screening 
  • Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/ Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI), TB and other co-infections
  • Post-test counselling
  • Linkages to Standalone ICTC (SA-ICTC) for confirmation of diagnosis and care and treatment
  • Linkage to other health services

Proper signage should direct and guide people to reach the F- ICTC.

The health facility should earmark a suitable room to ensure privacy and confidentiality and with good cross-ventilation to prevent air-borne infection.

Any positive HIV results at F-ICTC are only provisional - The facility uses whole blood finger-prick test kits for HIV screening.

If found reactive on HIV screening, link the individual to the linked SA-ICTC for confirmation of HIV diagnosis and further necessary action, using the Linkage Form. 

If found non-reactive on HIV screening, the laboratory report duly signed by the medical officer should be given to the individual during post-test counselling on the same day as the screening.

Verbal screening for the four symptom complex of TB is done for all the clients and appropriate referral to NTEP diagnostic facilities if indicated. The provisions for Presumptive TB testing is applicable for ICTCs too.





Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Correct Answer Explanation Page id Pre-test Post-test
Which of the following is a false statement related to F- ICTC? It can be a mobile F-ICTC or a fixed facility. It is an HIV  confirmatory facility. No special staff recruitment for F-ICTC. Verbal screening for TB  symptoms is done here.  2 It's a screening facility. Those who tested positive are sent to SA-ICTC.      

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