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  • Host factors in TB

    Learning Objectives

    Explain about important factors of the host that influences the TB epidemic.

    age, sex, immunity, co-morbidity, Nutrition, substance abuse,


Host factors in TB disease are various factors/attributes of the host(person who is developing TB disease/infection).

The various host factors are as follows:

  • Age: TB can affect people of any age. Young adults (15-30 years of age) are seen to have high rates of disease in India. Children and the elderly are also key and vulnerable population for the contraction of the disease. 
  • Gender: TB affects all genders, but males have higher disease rates, probably owing to higher levels of exposure to the bacteria in occupational settings. 
  • Immunity status: Individuals with compromised immunity status, like those on corticosteroid therapy/ immunosuppressants after organ transplant, HIV infection, diabetes mellitus etc., are more prone to TB infection and disease.
  • Nutritional status: Undernutrition causes weakening of the immune system and hence predisposes to TB. Risk of TB increases by about 14% with each unit reduction in Body Mass Index (BMI).
  • Previous TB infection: Individuals who are close/ household contact persons of confirmed pulmonary TB patients; individuals residing in TB high-prevalence regions; key and vulnerable population like healthcare workers, homeless people, HIV infected etc., have high chances of being already infected with TB and hence, would progress to disease.




Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Pick the correct statement for the causation of TB disease. Undernutrition causes TB disease. HIV infection compromises the immune system and may lead to TB disease. Children do not develop TB disease. The elderly are not at high risk for developing TB disease. 2
  • HIV infection weakens the immune system of an individual and predisposes him/her to TB infection and disease.
  • Undernutrition, as such, is not a causative factor for TB, but it weakens the immune system and predisposes to the infection/ disease.
  • Children and the elderly are at high risk for TB.
  Yes Yes

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