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This is a line list of patients enrolled on MERM at any given point during their treatment duration. This register can be generated by selecting a given data range (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) for Public/Private or both health sectors and by Notification Date or Treatment Start Date.

This register gives details about the following data points relating to the MERM Devices:

  • Patient ID
  • Current Hierarchy Details
  • Health Facility Type and Code
  • Diagnosis Date
  • Type of Patient
  • Patient Status
  • Patient Name
  • Treatment Initiation Date
  • Treatment End Date
  • Outcome
  • Type of Case
  • MERM ID (This is an internal identification of the MERM module on the Nikshay database)
  • IMEI Number (This is a unique 15-digit number which is used to identify the MERM module and appears in the dropdown list while allocating MERM to a patient)
  • Last Seen (This refers to the most recent time that the MERM device has communicated with Nikshay – indicating that the module is in working condition)
  • Last Opened (This refers to the most recent time that the MERM device has been opened by the patient to consume his medication. If Last Opened is available for a day, the calendar turns green to mark adherence)
  • Last Battery (This refers to the last known battery level of the MERM module. If battery Level is below 3600 mV the module will have to be charged immediately)
  • Allocated to Patient (Yes – indicates that the MERM module is still allocated to a patient: No – indicates that the MERM module is not currently allocated to the patient)
  • Start Date (This indicates the date on which the patient has been allocated the MERM module for his treatment support)
  • Stop Date (This indicates the date on which the MERM module has been de-allocated from the patient. Wherever Allocated to Patient is “No” a Stop Date should be available)
  • Refill Alarm Enabled: If Yes – this indicates that the refill alarm option for the patient has been enabled.
  • RT Hours – This refers to an internal ID to identify how often the MERM module connects with Nikshay to register Adherence. RT Hours for all devices should be 1 to ensure that it connects with Nikshay once every day.
Video file

Video: MERM Patient Register

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