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The National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB elimination 2017–25 is a bold strategic framework to drive the  acceleration of progress toward TB Elimination, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and End TB targets for India. It expects to guide the activities of all stakeholders including the national and state governments, development partners, civil society organizations, international agencies, research institutions, private sector, and many others whose work is relevant to TB elimination in India. It is adopts strategies under four groups DETECT, TREAT, PREVENT, BUILD.

VISION: TB-Free India with zero deaths, disease and poverty due to tuberculosis
GOAL: To achieve a rapid decline in burden of TB, morbidity and mortality while working towards elimination of TB in India by 2025.

The results framework of the NSP outlines the various targets (impact and outcomes) to be achieved.

2020 2023 2025
1. To reduce estimated TB Incidence rate (per 100,000) 217
2. To reduce estimated TB prevalence rate (per 100,000)
3. To reduce estimated mortality due to TB (per 100,000)
32 (29-35) 15 (13-16) 6 (5-7) 3 (3-4)
4. To achieve zero catastrophic cost for affected families due to TB 35% 0% 0% 0%




Assessment Questions

Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct Answer Explanation Part of pre-test Part of post-test
Which are the groups under which strategies for National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB elimination 2017–25 were developed? DETECT, TREAT, PREVENT DETECT, TREAT, PREVENT, BUILD DETECT, TREAT, PREVENT, REHABILITATE DETECT, TREAT, REHABILITATE DETECT, TREAT, PREVENT, BUILD The National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB elimination 2017–25 adopts strategies under four groups: DETECT, TREAT, PREVENT, BUILD. Yes Yes
Which of the following does the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB elimination 2017–25 aim to bring down to 0% by 2025? Incidence rate Prevalence rate Mortality rate Catastrophic cost for affected families Catastrophic cost for affected families The target of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB elimination 2017–25 is to achieve zero catastrophic cost for affected families due to TB  Yes Yes

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Namrata Wed, 16/02/2022 - 15:15

This page was put on hold in B2. But now prioritized here, it is challenging to track multiple status from different sites like this.