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  • Roles of NRLs

    Learning Objectives

    Enumerate the 6 NRLs as the primary reference laboratories in the country.

    Discuss in detail the role they play in ensuring C&DST QA and NTEP accreditation/ Certification.

    Mention that NRLs are inturn supported by SNRLs

  • National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) conducts annual on-site evaluation/supervisory visits to laboratories for assessing the quality of microscopy, culture and drug susceptibility test (C&DST), and for improvement of the overall laboratory quality. 
  • NRLs also assist Central TB Division (CTD), in developing laboratory guidelines, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and conduct training to state-level Intermediate reference laboratories (IRLs) and other technical issues.
  • NRLs conduct C&DST training to the IRLs, and develop SOPs for the technical procedures, equipment maintenance, infection control and recording and reporting. 
  • NRLs are also responsible for offering second-line drug susceptibility tests (DST) for multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) treatment failures. 
  • NRLs are responsible for the accreditation of the mycobacteriology laboratory for culture and drug sensitivity testing under the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP).
  • In addition, NRLs are also responsible for the conduct of research for the programme and evaluation of newer tools for the diagnosis of TB.
  • The National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) Chennai, the Supranational Reference Laboratory (SRL) of the region is responsible for the external quality assurance of the other 5 NRLs. NIRT is in turn quality-assured through the SRL coordinating laboratory at Antwerp, Belgium. 



Assessment Questions


Answer 1 

Answer 2 


Answer 4 

Correct Answer 

Correct explanation 

Part of pre-test

Part of post-test

What are the functions of National Reference Laboratories?​

Providing Culture and DST training to the IRLs​

Developing SOPs for the technical procedures​

Offering second-line DST ​

All of the above​


​All the functions stated are performed by the National Reference Laboratories.




Which institute is responsible for the external quality assurance of NRLs?



National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai

National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangalore


The National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) Chennai, the Supranational Reference Laboratory (SRL) of the region is responsible for the external quality assurance of the other 5 NRLs. NIRT is in turn quality-assured through the SRL coordinating laboratory at Antwerp, Belgium.





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