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Here is a flowchart to help the Agency Admin and Data Approver understand the steps to activate the Digital Security certificates (DSC) for payment purposes. There are six steps to implementing e-payment using DSC.

6 steps DSC implementation

Figure I: DSC implementation; Source: Nikshay Training Material

After DSC enrollment with the DA login, Admin has to activate the account for e-payment, which is a one-time activity. 

Once the account is activated, Admin has to configure the DCS signatory, authorising for e-payments, which is just once after a new DSC enrollment.

After configuration by the Admin, DA will log in and sign the enrollment file - again, a one-time activity.

The State Level Scheme manager has to set a drawing limit before the DA goes for e-payment approvals.

For the security of e-payments, a two-level DSC is required for approval. The process of creating a second-level DSC is given below.

DA 2 activation

Figure 2: Second level Approver creation; Source: Nikshay Training Material



Direct BenefiĀ­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, MoHFW, India


Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct Answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
Sign Enrolment File activity is only for 1st-level Data Approver. True  False     2 Sign Enrolment File Activity is for both 1st-level and 2nd-level Data Approver.      
Who sets the drawing limit? 1st-level DA 2nd-level DA State Level Scheme Manager Two level DA 3 The State Level Scheme manager has to set a drawing limit before the DA goes for e-payment approvals.      


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