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A PFMS agency is linked to the Ni-kshay portal by using the agency's unique code. This unique code is then used to link the PFMS agency to TB Units (Tus) in the Ni-kshay portal. This process is called the PFMS Agency to TU Mapping in Ni-kshay.

Agency-TU mapping serves as the bridge between Ni-kshay and PFMS and is a required linkage between the TU and the PFMS agency.

PFMS Agency to TU mapping is done at the central level, as per the following steps:

  • The district-level agency data approver (DA) gets the agency's unique code through the PFMS agency admin by following these steps: 

Login -> go to My details -> go to Agency profile

  • The district-level agency data approver then sends the agency's unique code to the Ni-kshay helpdesk team by raising a ticket in the Ni-kshay portal. 

  • The Ni-kshay helpdesk team then updates the agency's unique code and maps the agency with the respective TUs.


Figure: Agency details

Figure: Agency details in the PFMS agency admin id

Note: If the patient's current hierarchy TU's PFMS agency code is Null, the Ni-kshay patient support team will update the PFMS agency code and will mapped with the respective TU after receiving queries from the STS via Helpdesk.


Direct Benefi­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, MoHFW, India

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At what level is PFMS Agency to TU mapping done?




Peripheral health institute 


PFMS Agency to TU mapping is done at the central level



Which of the following steps are taken in PFMS Agency to TU mapping?

The district-level agency data approver (DA) gets the agency's unique code through the PFMS agency admin.

The DA  sends the agency's unique code to the Ni-kshay helpdesk team by raising a ticket.

Ni-kshay helpdesk team updates the agency's unique code and maps the agency with the respective TUs.

All of the above


The district-level agency data approver (DA) gets the agency’s unique code, and sends it to the Ni-kshay team, who in turn maps the agency to the TU.




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