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To procure digital signatures the STO needs to identify the NTEP authorities that require a new/ renewal of DSC for DBT payments. The STO needs to seek approvals from the competent authority as per the General Financial Rules at the state level (such as Director-Finance/ MD-NHM) for procurement of DSCs for those authorities.

Once approved, DSCs can be procured from any agency authorized by the NIC. (List of certified agencies from which DSC can be procured). After procurement of the DSC, the state needs to set the drawing limits to the district-level agencies for allocating funds to the district as per fund releases by the ministry.

Process of  drawing limit set by the state level agency: Log in with PFMS admin id -> Go to Masters -> Go to drawing limit of agency -> Select scheme, hierarchy level(District level) -> Search -> All the districts mapped with the respective Admin id will show up -> Give the total limit, the expenditure limit -> Save


Ni-kshay Training Material



Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct Answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
DSC can be procured from any agency. True False     False DSC can be procured only from a NIC-authorized agency.   Yes Yes
District-level drawing limit (allocation of funds) is set at the state level. True False     True The state will set the drawing limits for the districts.   Yes Yes


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