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Name of the Report: DBT05

Purpose: Shows the scheme-wise DBT transaction summary. It helps the user to view the total transactions for various schemes. 

When to use: To monitor the number of transactions and amount disbursed under NTEP schemes. 

The following steps are required to locate this report:

Step 1: Log in with the Data Approver ID -> Go to Reports

Report section

Figure 1: Reports section

Step 2: Go to DBT -> Select the DBT05 option (other reports are also selected from this dropdown)

Report DBT05

Figure 2: Selecting the DBT-05 report (other reports can also be selected from this dropdown)

Step3: Select Linked Scheme (For State code for e.g., TR10) -> Select State -> Select State Scheme -> Select From and To Months -> Click on View Report -> DBT05 report will show


DBT05 report

Figure 3: Viewing the DBT-05 report

Name of the Report: DBT07 

Purpose: Shows state-wise DBT transaction summaries. This is a report displaying the list of all the transactions for various schemes sorted out on the basis of the selected state.

When to use: The approver uses this report to monitor district-wise DBT transactions and amounts.

Step 1: Go to DBT section-> Select the DBT07 option

Step 2: Select State -> Select District -> Select the month range -> Click on view report

DBT07 report

Figure 4: Viewing the DBT-07 report

Step 3: The DBT-07 report will appear, as shown in Figure 5.

DBT07 report

Figure 5: DBT-07 report

Name of the Report: DBT09

Purpose: Showcases scheme-wise performance reports for DBT transactions

When to use: To analyze the DBT transactions for a specific period. The Data Approver can view all the credits and their respective amounts through this report.

Step 1: Go to DBT report section-> Select DBT09.

Step 2: Select State Scheme -> Select Scheme Type -> Select Scheme -> Select State -> Select month range -> Click on View Report.

DBT07 report

Figure 6: Viewing the DBT-09 report

Name of the Report: DBT-16

Purpose: DBT payments can be done by a pay and accounts officer (PAO); this report is used to check the PAO-DBT payment status.

When to use: This report provides information regarding DBT payments made through PAO under various schemes.

Step 1: In the DBT report section, -> Select the DBT16 option

Step 2: Fill in all the details -> Click on View Report

DBT16 report

Figure 7: Viewing the DBT-16 report


Direct Benefi­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, Central TB division, Ministry of Health, and Family Welfare Government of India


Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct Answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
All the DBT reports (DBT05, DBT07, DBT09, DBT16) are only monitored by the Data Approver. True False     2 The Agency can also monitor the reports from their respective login IDs.   Yes Yes
The Data Approver can monitor the number of transactions and amount disbursed under NTEP through which report?   DBT-16 DBT-09 DBT-07 DBT-05 4 Through the DBT-05 report, Data Approver can monitor the information regarding the number of transactions and amount disbursed under NTEP schemes for the selected date range.    Yes Yes

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