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Quality Control of DST is critical to ensure the test is functioning properly so that reliable results can be interpreted. ​

Steps in Quality Control in DST result interpretation include: 

1. SIRE/ Second- line and PZA QC

  • Carefully entering the tubes into MGIT 960​
  • Carefully scanning the DST set carrier into the BACTEC MGIT 960 instrument.


2. Interpretation of results

  • The time period to interpret results is crucial. Interpret between 4–13 days for first and second-line drugs and 4-21 days for PZA. ​
  • Results should read susceptible for all drugs.
  • If proper results are not obtained, repeat the test.


3. First and Second- line drugs and PZA QC Records

  • Record lot numbers of MGIT 960 tubes, drugs and drug supplements. ​
  • Record QC results.
  • Maintain records for a minimum of five years.


GLI Practical Guide to TB Laboratory Strengthening





Answer 1​



Answer 2



Answer 3



Answer 4



Correct answer​



Correct explanation​



Page id​



Part of Pre-test​



Part of Post-test​



Quality control in DST result interpretation includes which of the following?



Interpret the results between 4–13 days for first and second-line drugs and 4-21 days for PZA. ​



Ensure proper reconstitution of lyophilized drugs.



Use calibrated pipette.



Use control strains and reagents,




Interpret the results between 4–13 days for first and second-line drugs and 4-21 days for PZA. ​











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