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The District TB Officer is the manager the programme at the district level. They have various key responsibilities which can be discussed under the following heads:

  1. Planning
    • Prepare the annual PIP and budget of the district and share it with the state
    • Identify interventions/solutions to local problems 
    • Prepare proposals and implement it
    • Locally adapt the strategies of the NSP toward TB Elimination to the district/ state
  2. Execution/Implementation
    • Programmatic interventions (areas that are high importance to the district/state)
    • New interventions identified by the state/district
  3. Supervision
    • Planning supervisory visits
    • Supervise program service delivery in comparison to expected quality standards
    • Provide handholding of service delivery personnel to ensure quality through supportive supervision
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Monitoring of the program performance against standard indicators (TB index) prescribed by NTEP. 
    • Monitoring of the progress against the PIP prepared
    • Ensuring updated data base of subdistrict and peripheral level program managers and stakeholders
    • Reviewing and analysing data entry in platforms like Nikshay and Nikshay Aushadhi
    • Collection and use of additional program management data 
    • Identify areas (Time, Place, Person) of low performance
    • Provide Feedback 
    • Conduct periodic programmatic reviews for all of the above
  5. Administration
    • Procurements and supply chain management- managing procurements of supplies and timely availability of optimum stocks of drugs
    • Logistics management – managing stocks, requisitions, reconstitution of the Patient wise boxes Vendor and contract Management.
    • Finance Management (Budgeting) – Preparing and utilizing finances adequately
    • State/district level human resource management
  6. Advocacy and coordination (for securing resources/commitment as per plan)
    • Ensure coordination with different levels of NTEP (central, state, district and sub district)
    • Identifying NGOs and Private Practitioners for partnership through various schemes and enter into MoU.
    • Coordinating and liaison with stakeholders of the program like medical Colleges, NGOs, professional organizations, private practitioners etc.
    • Collecting and compiling necessary documents for disbursal of Grant in Aid to the NGOs and PPS.
  7. Training
    • Planning and organization of trainings
    • Presentation of standard training material
    • Demonstration
    • Conduct Knowledge Sharing and cross-learning activities 

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