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There are key high level impact and output indicators  for the each specific pillars of the NSP 2017-25. The indicators for the TB treatment are more directed towards ensuring the successful completion of treatment and cure.

Indicators for TB treatment

  • Proportion of patients initiated on treatment.

  • Treatment success rate – DS TB – Public and Private

  • Treatment success rate – DR TB – Public and Private

  • Proportion of patients provided Whichdigital adherence technology support.

  • Proportion of patients provided financial support through DBT.

Follow the process to identify the gaps in TB treatment (Example)

Follow the process to identify the gaps: TB treatment


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Which of the following are the indicators for TB treatment? Treatment success rate – DS TB – Public and Private Treatment success rate – DR TB – Public and Private Both None 3 The indicators for the TB treatment are more directed towards ensuring the successful completion of TB treatment and cure.

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