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National Coordination Committee (NCC) for NTEP and NPCDS

A national TB-diabetes Coordination Committee (NCC) comprising of key officials from NPCDCS & NTEP experts from World Health Organization National Institutes and civil society members has been constituted to improve networking and strengthening collaboration between NTEP and NPCDCS programs. The NCC conducts meetings on a biannual basis to assess the progress of collaborative activities the composition and terms of reference of the NCC is given in Annexure 1 of national framework for joint TB diabetes August 2017.

State level coordination mechanisms- State coordination committee for TB diabetes

To ensure smooth implementation and regular review of NTEP & NPCDCS collaborative activities a State Coordination Committee (SCC) on TB-diabetes comorbidities chaired by MD- NHM is established in all states. The states may not need to create a separate committee; instead they may use any existing committee and could include concerned members of the NTEP and NPCDCS in this committee. 

The SCC should meet initially once a quarter to review and streamline TB-diabetes activities in the state. The terms of reference of the SCC are given in Annexure 2 of the National framework for joint TB diabetes August 2017. The meeting may be organized along with NTEP quarterly DTO review meetings to facilitate quick dissemination of decisions to districts. Based on deliberations and decisions, SCC nodal officers for NTEP and NPCDCS in the state should send feedback to all districts. Actions taken by districts should be monitored and presented to SCC in its next meeting. Member secretary of SCC should share approved minutes of the SCC meetings with NCD division at and CTD electronically at

District level coordination mechanisms- District coordination committee for TB-diabetes

To ensure smooth implementation and regular review of TB-diabetes activities district coordination committee (DCC)s has been established in each district in an existing committee in a similar way as a state level. DCC should meet initially on a quarterly basis preferably within 15 days of submission of NTEP quarterly report. The terms of reference of DCC are annexed at Annexurre 3 of 'The national framework for joint DB diabetes August 2017'. The minutes of the CC meetings should be sent to the state NCD cell and state TB cell.



Question     Answer 1     Answer 2     Answer 3     Answer 4     Correct answer     Correct explanation     Page id     Part of Pre-test     Part of Post-test
How frequently should the SCC meet? Once or twice a year Biannually Every quarter Every month 3 The SCC should meet initially once a quarter to review and streamline TB-diabetes activities in the state.      
How frequently should the NCC meet? Twice a year Once a year Every quarter Every month 1 The NCC conducts meetings on a biannual basis to assess the progress of collaborative activities.      

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