Setting learning objectives
The subsequent guide outlines the process for setting learning objectives for each content page as follows:
The subsequent guide outlines the process for setting learning objectives for each content page as follows:
Define the information, skills, behaviours, or perspectives that learners will gain from each specific page.
Clearly outline the anticipated outcomes that learners will be able to demonstrate after engaging with each page.
Draft learning objectives that correspond to these outcomes and accurately represent the page’s content.
Ensure that objectives are learner-centric, focusing on the behaviours learners should adopt after going through the page, rather than focusing on what the page will “teach”
Specify what learners will be able to do ensuring that objectives are:
are stated clearly,
define or describe an action, and
are measurable.
Incorporate action words from the Modified Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Choose an action word from the various levels of objectives (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation) when formulating learning objectives, aligning them with the educational activity's overarching goal.
Refrain from using vague terms like understand, learn, and know, as they lack measurability due to the absence of tangible outcomes.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Measurable Verbs:
Benjamin Bloom devised a taxonomy of measurable verbs to facilitate the description and categorization of observable knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours, and abilities. This theory posits that there exist discernible levels of observable actions indicative of cognitive activity within the brain. Through the utilization of measurable verbs in crafting learning objectives, the explicit actions required to demonstrate learning are articulated.
Table 1: Measurable verbs
Category |
Meaning |
Verbs |
Knowledge |
Remember previously learned information. |
Arrange Choose Cite Define Describe Draw Enumerate Identify Indicate Label List
Locate Match Name Order Outline Quote Read Recall Recite Recognize Record
Relate Repeat Reproduce Review Select State Study Tabulate Tally Tell Underline Write |
Comprehension |
Demonstrate an understanding of the facts. |
Articulate Associate Characterize Clarify Classify Compare Compute Contrast Convert Defend Describe Differentiate Discuss Distinguish Estimate Example |
Explain Express Extend Extrapolate Factor Generalize Give Give examples Identify Illustrate Indicate Infer Interpolate Interpret Locate Match Observe |
Organize Paraphrase Predict Recognise Relate Report Represent Restate Review Rewrite Select Summarize Tell Translate
Application |
Apply knowledge to actual situations. |
Acquire Act Adapt Apply Ascertain Assign Avoid Back Back up Calculate Capture Change Chart Choose Classify Complete Compute Construct Consult Convey Customise |
Demonstrate Develop Discover Dramatize Derive Employ Experiment Explain Execute Generalize Guide Identify Illustrate Implement Interpret Interview Manipulate Modify Obtain Operate Organize |
Paint Perform Practice Predict Prepare Produce Process Provide Relate Schedule Select Show Simulate Sketch Solve Translate Use Utilize Write |
Analysis |
Break down objects or ideas into simpler parts and find evidence to support generalizations. |
Administer Analyze Appraise Break Break down Calculate Categorize Chart Classify Compare Conclude Confirm Contrast Correlate Corroborate criticize Identify Illustrate Infer Inspect Debate |
Deduce Delegate Detect Diagnose Diagram Differentiate Discover Discriminate Dissect Distinguish Divide Document Ensure Establish evaluate Examine Experiment Figure Group Inventory Investigate |
Manage Monitor Order organize Outline Point out Predict Prioritize Question Reconcile Relate Resolve Select Separate Solve Subdivide Survey Test Transform Troubleshoot |
Synthesis |
Compile component ideas into a new whole or propose alternative solutions. |
Anticipate Appraise Argue Arrange Assemble Assess Brief Attach Choose Collect Compare Compile Conclude Consolidate Construct Contrast Core Counsel Create Criticize Critique Decide
Defend Describe Depict Design Develop Determine Discriminate Enhance Estimate Evaluate Explain Facilitate Formulate Frame Generate Grade Handle Invent Judge Manage Mediate Modify
Organise Prepare Prescribe Probe Propose Rate Rearrange Reconcile Refer Relate Release Reorganise Revise Rewrite Select Set up Specify Supervise Synthesize Test Value Verify Weigh |
Evaluation |
Make and defend judgments based on internal evidence or external criteria. |
Appraise Argue Arrange Assemble Assess Categorize Choose Collect Combine Compare Compile Compose Conclude Construct Create Design Develop Devise Estimate Evaluate
Explain Facilitate Formulate Generalize Generate Hypothesize Improve Integrate Invent Judge Justify Make Manage Measure Modify Organize Originate Plan Predict Prepare
Produce Propose Rate Rearrange Reconstruct Relate Reorganize Revise Rewrite Role-play Score Select Set up Specify Summarize Support Synthesize Tell Tell why Value Write |
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