The following nine competencies are important to a health volunteer -
Sr No | Competency | Description/ activities pertaining to the said competency | Assessment of competency |
1 | Talk about TB |
1. Observe the health volunteers talking about TB during home visits |
2 | Screen for TB using the 4 symptom complex |
1. Observe a health volunteer screening for TB during home visits |
3 | Refer for diagnosis to the nearest TB Testing Centre. |
1. Observe a referral process during the home visit, including recording of the information in Ni-kshay |
4 | Collect the sample from a presumptive TB and transport it to the testing facility |
1. Check with the laboratory regarding the quality of samples collected by the health volunteer |
5 | Provide Treatment adherence Support for TB Treatment and TPT* |
1. Review Ni-kshay / Treatment cards for Adherence scores of presently linked patients 2. Interview patients to check the kind of support they received |
6 | Counsel people who are on TB treatment/TPT and their family* |
1. Interview with health volunteers to understand the current practice. |
7 | Detect Adverse Drug Reactions and Refer them for timely for management* |
1. interview the linked patients regarding how ADR was managed for them. |
8 | Perform post-treatment follow-up* |
1. Check whether previously linked Treatment completed patients have all their post treatment follow up due completed. |
9 | Use Ni-kshay for performing the actions related to the above |
Check ability to login, enrol and refer patients to health facilities, sample collection and transportation and also mark treatment adherence in Ni-kshay during patient visit. |
The five (first four and last one) are core competencies of all volunteers while the remaining four (marked with *) are core competencies only if the volunteer acts/ intends to act as a treatment supporter.
The knowledge and training related to these competencies will be provided through the Course for Health Volunteers on NTEP and assessed through the pre and post-test assessments/ quizzes.
Competency assessment needs to be done periodically (once in two years) or at the time of registration or initiation of the treatment regimen.
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