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  1. Temperature Control:
    1. Store the vaccine always at the recommended temperature in the cold chain.
  2. Verification:
    1. Always check the vaccine name, expiry date, and VVM (Vaccine Vial Monitor) before using any vaccine.
  3. Documentation:
    1. Write the date and time of opening the vial.
  4. Correct Syringe Usage:
    1. Use only a 0.1 ml AD syringe for adult BCG vaccine.
  5. Usage Time Frame:
    1. Do not use the BCG vaccine beyond 4 hours of opening the vial.
  6. Referral Plan:
    1. Prepare a referral plan for any serious adverse event, including late AEFIs.
  7. Observation:
    1. Ensure every BCG vaccine beneficiary is under observation for at least 30 minutes after vaccination.
  8. Route of Administration:
    1. Strictly follow the recommended route of administration, which is intradermal. Vaccinators must be trained on this.

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