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ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
1635 Supervision by DTO at TU level 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1641 Program Monitoring Indicators 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1642 NTEP TB Index - Indicators 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1643 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Target TB Notification Achieved 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1644 RCA for Low Performance in Percentage of Target TB Notification Achieved 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1645 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Known HIV Status 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1646 RCA for low performance of Percentage of TB Notified Patients with known HIV Status 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1647 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing (UDST) Done 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1648 Root cause analysis for low performance of Percentage of TB Notified Cases with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing Done 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1649 NTEP Performance Indicator - Treatment Success Rate 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1650 Root Cause Analysis for Low Performance - Suggested Solutions - Case Studies along 4 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1651 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Eligible Beneficiaries Paid Under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1652 Root cause analysis for low performance of Percentage of Eligible Beneficiaries Paid under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1653 NTEP Performance Indicator – Percentage Of Multidrug-resistant (MDR)/ Rifampicin-resistant (RR) Patients Initiated on Treatment Out of Totally Diagnosed 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1654 RCA for low performance in in Percentage Treatment initiation of RR/MDR-TB Cases 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1655 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage Expenditure Against Approved Record of Proceedings (ROP) 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1656 Root cause analysis for low performance of Percentage Expenditure Against Approved Record of Proceedings [ROP] 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1657 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Children given Chemoprophylaxis from the Total Eligible Children Identified 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1658 RCA for low performance in Percentage of Children given TPT from the Total Eligible Children Identified 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1659 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) given INH Preventive Treatment (IPT) Against Total Eligible PLHIV 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1660 RCA for low performance in in percentage of PLHIV given IPT against Total Eligible 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1683 Meetings at TU level 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1684 Conducting review meetings at TU/Block level 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1795 Factors Affecting the Severity of TB Disease 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1982 TB deaths 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
2042 Random Blinded ReChecking [RBRC] Interpreting Feedback 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
2089 Zoonotic TB 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
2090 Zoonotic TB: Mode of transmission 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
2091 Zoonotic TB: Signs and symptoms 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
2092 Zoonotic TB: Testing and diagnosis 06/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology