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  • NTEP NSP targets

    Learning Objectives

    Discuss India's commitment to achieving the END TB targets 5 years ahead.


The Government of India has committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) targets related to ending TB by 2025 (5 years ahead of the global target).  This would mean that in 2025, the 2030 target of achieving 80% reduction in incidence, 90% reduction in deaths due to TB compared to that of 2015, is to be achieved.

Parameter 2015 Value SDG 2030 Target Commitment for 2025
Estimated annual Incidence 217 cases/Lakh 80% reduction  44 cases/lakh
Estimated annual Mortality 4.5 lakh 90% reduction 45,000

Table: India's commitment to End TB by 2025.


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