Linked Node

  • Contact Tracing Register

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will be able to identify the steps to access Contact Tracing Register on Ni-kshay


This report gives a detailed information on patients age-group-wise (above/below five/six years) for whom contact tracing visits are done. This now includes the ability to trace contacts of notified TB patients who have Latent TB.

This report enables user to view at a glance:
Health facility details (Diagnosing and current facility ie.. State/District/ TU/PHI).
Total household contacts (Age group wise : above/below five/six years) , number of contacts screened, number of cases with symptoms, number of evaluated, number of cases diagnosed and on treatment, number eligible for TPT, number provided TPT.

Note: As per the revised PMTPT guidelines, contacts <5 years are to be screened as of the release of the guidelines. However, it is understood that owing to the transition phase of the guidelines, most of the data with the field staff may be of <6 years. Accordingly, caution may be exercised in interpreting the report.

Video file

Video: Contact Tracing Register - Telugu

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