Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
6776 Financial Norms for aBCG Vaccination 12/10/2024
34 Adult BCG Vaccination 12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6155 Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in aBCG Vaccine implementation study 12/10/2024
6352 Micro-planning for aBCG vaccination 12/10/2024 TB Vaccines
6325 Orientation to Adult BCG (aBCG) Vaccination Study Protocol 12/10/2024 TB Vaccines
1982 TB deaths 14/10/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
6793 Social Autopsy for TB deaths 14/10/2024
4476 Differentiated TB care 15/10/2024 Training and HR Development
6795 Differentiated TB Care for other special cases 15/10/2024
6755 Need for Differentiated TB Care 16/10/2024
201 Onsite Evaluation [OSE] 17/10/2024 Laboratory services and management
204 RBRC Process 18/10/2024 Laboratory services and management
206 RBRC Process at DTC 18/10/2024 Laboratory services and management
87 Directly Observed Treatment Strategy [DOTS] 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
51 Active Case Finding [ACF] 18/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
53 Intensified Case Finding [ICF] 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
575 Direct Benefit Transfer [DBT] under NTEP 18/10/2024 Ni-kshay, Information Systems and DBT
593 Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis [DR-TB] 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
592 Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis [DS-TB] 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
607 Management of Adverse Drug Reactions [ADRs] of TB Treatment 18/10/2024 DR-TB and PMDT
625 ADRs to First Line Treatment 18/10/2024 DR-TB and PMDT
626 ADRs to Second Line Treatment 18/10/2024 DR-TB and PMDT
744 Directly Observed Treatment [DOT] 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
657 Treatment supporter [TS] to TB Patient 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
823 Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana [PM-JAY] 18/10/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
3729 Public Finance Management System [PFMS] 18/10/2024 Accounting Finance and Admin
830 Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana [NPY] 18/10/2024 Community engagement and call centre
86 National TB Elimination Program [NTEP] 18/10/2024 Training and HR Development
6802 Roles and Responsibility of ASHA/Community Volunteers in 100 Days Campaign 18/10/2024
6803 Key Strategies of the 100 Days Campaign 18/10/2024