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TB Performance Indicator 2 - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Known HIV Status


This indicator monitors efforts taken by the programme to offer HIV testing to all TB patients.

Indicator Numerator Denominator Multiplier Data source
Percentage of TB notified patients with known HIV status Number of TB patients  who know their HIV status  in the defined period                                                    Total TB patients notified in the defined period 100 Ni-kshay


HIV status of a patient can be reactive, nonreactive or unavailable.

Patients with results as reactive and non-reactive are included in the numerator.

The indicator can be monitored at the TB Unit (TU), district, and state levels.



In District A, the total number of TB cases notified in the year 2020 is 300. Out of them, 240 patients are HIV non-reactive and 10 patients are HIV-reactive as per the data from Ni-kshay.

The percentage of TB notified patients with known HIV status = (240+10) / 300 = (250 * 100) / 300     (100% is desirable)





Question​ Option 1​ Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​

What is the numerator of the percentage of TB notified cases with Known HIV status?


 Total TB cases notified Total number HIV positive cases Total number of patients who know their HIV status Total HIV-negative cases of TB     3 ​The number of TB patients who know their HIV status is the numerator of the percentage of TB notified cases with Known HIV status irrespective of whether its positive or negative.      

Content Creator



Renjini Wed, 03/08/2022 - 22:17

TB performance indicator 2- Percentage of TB notified patients with known HIV status


  •           This indicator monitors efforts taken to offer HIV testing to all TB patients
  •           Percentage of TB  Notified  patients with known HIV status =




Numerator and Denominator


Data source

No of TB patients who know their HIV status in the defined period in a specific TU/ district/state (Numerator)

The result can be Reactive or

Non reactive


The HIV status should be known


Total TB patients notified during the defined period in a specificTU/ District/ State  (Denominator)



Total notified cases in the same time period















In a District A, the total TB cases notified in the year 2020 is 2020. Out of them 240 patients are HIV Non Reactive and 10 patients are HIV Reactive as per the data from  Ni-kshay

The percentage of TB notified patients with known HIV status =

                                                 240+10 /300             

                                                 250* 100 /300  =83.3%

                                                100% is desirable result



1.India TB Report 2022                  

2.Training Modules (5-9) For Programme Managers & Medical Officers,National TB Elimination Programme ,Central TB Division Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi



option 1​

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​


The numerator of  percentage  of TB notified cases with Known HIV status


 Total TB cases notified

Total number HIV positive cases

Total number of patients who know the HIV status

Total HIV  negative cases of TB

  Option  3

​Number of TB patients who know their HIV status  is the numerator irrespective of whether its positive or negative