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Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) is one of the key programme staff working under NTEP at TU level. 

Roles and responsibilities of STS include:

  • Ensure that all presumptive cases undergo TB diagnosis as per National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) guidelines
  • Ensure screening for TB disease and TB infection among contact persons of all microbiologically confirmed pulmonary TB patients and refer for appropriate management
  • Notify every TB patient in Nikshay at the earliest and update information of patients on comorbidity, treatment adherence, treatment outcome, contact investigation, TB preventive treatment (TPT) including private sector
  • Maintain the Tuberculosis Register, incorporating required information on smear result, laboratory number, name of DMC, date of sputum examination, results of follow up sputum examinations in respect of all cases diagnosed
  • Support updation and completing the information in the TB notification register and Nikshay
  • Ensure bank details of all diagnosed TB patients and other beneficiaries are collected and updated in Nikshay and facilitate timely payment of Direct Benefit Transfer schemes to them
  • Prepare quarterly reports on case-detection, sputum conversion and treatment outcome
  • Record observations in supervisory register for visit to DMCs with regards to laboratory performance


  1. Module for Senior Treatment Supervisor.,Central TB Division, MoHFW , June 2005
  2. Training Modules for Programme Managers and Medical Officers.Central TB Division, MoHFW 2020


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True or False: STS is responsible to ensure that all presumptive cases undergo TB diagnosis as per National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) guidelines.


True False     1

STS is responsible to ensure that all presumptive cases undergo TB diagnosis as per National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) guidelines.




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