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This is a line list of tests conducted in a given PHI’s Designated Microscopy Center. The test might have been conducted for any presumptive or confirmed TB patient which belongs to any hierarchy across India. This register can be generated by selecting a given date range (Microscopy tests-Date Reported) and based on the testing facility.

This register gives details about the tests and final interpretation:

  1. Test ID, Lab serial number A and B.
  2. Date reported.
  3. Testing facility name and reason for testing.
  4. Predominant symptoms reported and their duration.
  5. Type of specimen for testing and visual appearance of sample.
  6. Result of sample A/ B.
  7. Final interpretation of test ( positive/negative).
  8. TB treatment start date and Treatment type ( first line drugs
Video file

Video: DMC Register - Marathi

Content Creator


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