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  • Goals of treatment

    Learning Objectives

    Reducing mortality and morbidity and reduce infectiousness, prevent relapse and development of drug-resistance


The goals of tuberculosis treatment are:

  • Rendering the patient non-infectious, breaking the chain of transmission and decreasing the infection​ pool

  • Decreasing case fatality and morbidity by ensuring relapse-free cure

  • Minimising and preventing the development of drug resistance.  ​


To meet the goals of treatment, the regimens should be:

  • Safe, easy to administer and aid treatment adherence
  • Long enough to achieve the long-term cure of the disease, and short enough to increase patient adherence.


Any treatment regimen which reduces the pill count but increases the overall treatment success is an ideal regimen to meet the goals of tuberculosis treatment.  





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In what scenarios is a TB treatment regimen considered efficient?


High sputum conversion


High treatment success


Low emergence of drug resistance


All of the above 4 The goal of TB treatment ties in with how we consider a regimen efficient, and this occurs when the regimen results in high sputum conversion and treatment success, and low relapse rates and emergence of drug resistance.      




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