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  • Management of Patients with Treatment Interruptions

    Learning Objectives

    What is treatment interruption, identifying and retrieval of patient (different means- ASHAs, TS, Adherence monitoring tools), retrieval through counselling, influencers), decision based on duration of interruption and how long patient has taken the medicine)


Treatment interruption is defined as a patient-initiated episode in which the patient discontinues TB treatment. All efforts must be made to ensure that TB patients do not interrupt treatment or are not lost to follow-up. Action should be taken to promptly retrieve patients who fail to come for their daily dose by the treatment supporter


The management of treatment interruptions is made based on the following criteria:

i. Type of case: Whether new, relapse or failure

ii. Duration of treatment taken: Less than one month/ more than one month. This helps in assessing the risk of the presence of drug resistance.

iii. Duration of Interruption: Less than one month/ more than a month.

If treatment interruption is more than one month, the outcome is declared as ‘ person lost to follow up’.

If a patient returns to the health facility after interrupting treatment for more than one month, the patient sample needs to be subjected to Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) to determine resistance/ sensitivity status to anti-TB drugs.

In case the interruption is for less than one month, the same treatment regimen is completed to complete all doses.


Modes of Retrieval

TB treatment is supervised by a trained treatment supporter (a health worker, family member or community volunteer). The residential address is verified for all TB patients by home visits. However, in case of treatment interruption, patient retrieval action is required.


Retrieval can be done by the following modes:

1. Retrieval of patients interrupting treatment within 24 hours of discontinuation is done by the Treatment Supporter (TS) or Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)/ Auxilliary Nurse Midwife (ANM)/ Multipurpose Worker (MPW). The reason for interruptions should be reviewed carefully and efforts made to counsel and bring the patient back for treatment.

2. If the TS is not successful in retrieving such patients, it should be reported to the next higher level of supervisors, like Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS), and they should take all efforts to counsel and retrieve the patient.

3. If the patient interrupts treatment on more than one occasion, the Medical Officer of the Peripheral Health Institute (MO-PHI) should visit the patient’s home. The MO-PHI should give intensive counselling to the patient and may provide additional support to continue the treatment without interruption.

4. Innovative use of information and communication technologies for treatment adherence monitoring through 99 DOTS, Medication Event Reminder Monitor (MERM), etc. are also beneficial in finding missed doses and initiating retrieval action by the health staff.



1. Training Modules (1-4) for Programme Managers and Medical Officers.

2. Guidelines for PMDT in India, 2021.



Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
If treatment interruption is more than one month, the outcome is declared as ‘lost to follow-up'. True False     1 If treatment interruption is more than one month, the outcome is declared as ‘lost to follow-up'. Yes Yes

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