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  • Monitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff

    Learning Objectives

    In Niskahy and in treatment card, communication with TS, STS- TU, District, State and national level login can monitor adherence course


Adherence to TB medication is crucial for successful treatment and prevention of drug resistance. To ensure this, the monitoring of adherence by programme staff is a vital component of the National TB Elimination Programme.

The primary responsibility of programme staff is to monitor adherence and ensure that patients take their medication as prescribed. This involves regular follow-up visits to the patient's homes, workplaces or healthcare facilities, and verifying that they are taking their medication correctly. Programme staff incorporate various tools to monitor adherence, such as pill counts, patient self-reporting and electronic monitoring devices.

Monitoring adherence has a significant impact on the success of TB treatment. Studies have demonstrated that patients who receive regular follow-up visits and support from healthcare workers have higher rates of adherence and treatment success than those who do not.

Apart from monitoring adherence, programme staff also play a vital role in identifying and addressing barriers to adherence, which may include factors such as poverty, stigma and lack of access to healthcare. By identifying and addressing these barriers, programme staff can help patients overcome obstacles to adherence and achieve successful treatment outcomes.

In conclusion, the monitoring of adherence by National TB Elimination Programme staff is a critical component of the fight against TB. Through regular follow-up visits, support, and the use of monitoring tools, programme staff can help patients adhere to their medication and achieve successful treatment outcomes. This, in turn, can help prevent the spread of TB and contribute to the ultimate goal of eliminating this deadly disease.

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