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PTE Objective

Drugs used for the treatment of drug-resistant TB have significant adverse effects. Hence, there is a need for PTE to rule out any underlying condition at the baseline, like co-morbid conditions, radiological abnormalities, Electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, or biochemical derangements. 

PTE is essential to identify:

  • The patient's eligibility for initiation of a particular regimen
  • Patients who require special attention during treatment
  • Regimen modifications from the beginning of treatment


Table: Pre-treatment (PTE) for MDR/RR-TB patients
Clinical Evaluation Lab based evaluation
History and Physical Examination Random blood sugar (RBS)
Height HIV testing following counselling
Weight Complete blood count (Hb, TLC, DLC, platelet count)
Psychiatric evaluation if required Liver function tests (including serum proteins)
TSH levels
Urine examination – routine and microscopic
Serum electrolytes (Na, K, Mg, Ca)
Urine pregnancy test (in women of reproductive age group)
Chest X-ray

Important Points 

  • In the majority of Multidrug-resistant (MDR)/ Rifampicin-resistant Tuberculosis (RR-TB) patients, PTE can be done on an outpatient basis.
  • The District TB Officer (DTO) and Medical Officer of the TB Unit (MO-TU) can arrange for PTE at the Nodal and District DR-TB Centre (N/DDR-TBC) or at the sub-district level health facility, wherever feasible.
  • No additional investigations are required for H Mono/ Poly DR-TB patients unless clinically indicated.
  • The PTE carried out at the time of treatment initiation can be considered valid for 1 month from the date of the test result and the patient can be re-initiated on a subsequent regimen considering the previously conducted PTEs.
  • Active Drug Safety Management and Monitoring (aDSM) treatment initiation forms are required to be completed for all DR-TB patients at the time of initiation of each new episode of treatment.
  • PTE should include a thorough clinical evaluation by a physician and expert consultation as per the need. 
  • Laboratory-based tests should be performed based on the drugs used in the treatment regimen.
  • Pre-treatment evaluation should be made available free of charge to the patient.​


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