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On the lines of the State Health Mission, every district has a District Health Mission headed by the Chairperson, Zila Parishad. It has the District Collector as the Co-Chair and Chief Medical Officer as the Mission Director.


To support the District Health Mission, every district has an integrated District Health Society (DHS) and all the existing societies as vertical support structures for different national and state health programmes are being merged in the DHS.


The DHS is responsible for planning and managing all health and family welfare programmes in the district, both in the rural as well as urban areas.


Functions of the National Health Mission’s District Health Society:

  • To act as the nodal forum for all stakeholder’s line departments, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations - to participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring of various health and family welfare programmes and projects in the district
  • To receive, manage and account for the funds received from the State Government (including State level societies in the health sector) for implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the district
  • To strengthen the technical / management capacity of the District Health Administration through recruitment of individual / institutional experts from the open market
  • To facilitate preparation of integrated district health development plans, for health and its various determinants like sanitation, nutrition and safe drinking water, etc.
  • To guide the functions related to the Total Sanitation Campaign at the district level
  • To mobilize financial and non-financial resources for complementing/supplementing the health and family welfare activities in the district
  • To assist hospital management societies in the district
  • To undertake other such activities for strengthening health and family welfare activities in the district as may be identified from time to time, including mechanisms for intra- and inter-sectoral convergence of inputs and structures.





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