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A vulnerable population is a group of people in whom the prevalence or incidence of tuberculosis (TB) is significantly higher than in the general population.


TB vulnerable populations such as prisoners, people living with TB/ HIV co-infection, migrants, refugees and tribal populations may have poor health-seeking behavior and experience significant marginalization. These vulnerable groups are disadvantaged as compared to others mainly on account of their reduced access to health services and the underlying determinants of health such as safe and potable drinking water, nutrition, housing, sanitation etc.


Of the estimated 10 million people who fell ill with TB globally in 2017, nearly 30% of them were “missing”, that is, these people with TB either did not report, were undiagnosed, or untreated. To address the challenge of TB “missing cases”, policies, effective strategies, and implementation of active case interventions for TB vulnerable populations are highly essential. Mapping of vulnerable populations is one such intervention.


Objectives of TB Vulnerable Population Mapping

  • Identifying and mapping of the location of the TB vulnerable groups
  • Assessing the degree of their vulnerability
  • Assessing the capacity and spread of existing public/private health facilities and their location and catchment area
  • Understanding the services rendered by other departments, especially those meant for vulnerable groups
  • Geographical variations and other social/environmental factors that may impede vulnerable groups from accessing health care services.


Vulnerable population mapping helps in conducting Active Case Finding (ACF) as these vulnerable populations have a higher chance of contracting TB infection and hence the disease. Early identification of TB among them utilizing ACF campaign is recommended.





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