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  • Prevention of False Positive Results During Smear Microscopy

    Learning Objectives
    • Learn about potential sources of error and factors contributing to false positive results in smear microscopy.
    • Implement quality assurance measures, including adherence to standard operating procedures and proficiency testing, in preventing false positive results.

False positive results can be prevented by using the following measures:


  • Always use new, unscratched slides.
  • Use a separate broomstick for each sample.
  • Always use filtered Carbol fuchsin.
  • Do not allow the Carbol fuchsin to dry during staining.
  • Decolorize adequately with Sulphuric acid.
  • Make sure that there are no food particles or fibers in the sputum sample.
  • Never allow the oil immersion applicator to touch a slide.
  • Label sputum containers, slides and laboratory forms accurately.
  • Cross-check the number on the laboratory form and sputum container before recording.
  • Record and report the results accurately.





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