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On completion of test run, the Test Result Screen displays the results for:


  • Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Truenat MTB)
    • “DETECTED” for Positive result, Cycle Threshold (Ct) value, Colony Forming Units per milliliter (CFU/ ml)
    • “NOT DETECTED” for Negative result
    • “Valid”/ “Invalid” for test validity based on amplification of Internal Positive Control (IPC)
    • “Error” for test failure


  • Detection of Rif Resistance (Truenat MTB-Rif Dx)
    • “Rif Resistance Detected” if mutations to Rif are detected
    • “Rif Resistance Not Detected” if mutations to Rif are not detected
    • “Indeterminate” when test did not determine resistance to Rif
    • “Error” for test failure





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