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Like any other laboratory instrument, the TrueNAT machine needs a periodic maintenance.


Maintenance of Truelab and Trueprep instruments includes:

  • Cleaning the instrument
  • Disinfecting the surfaces
  • Cleaning the spillages
  • Discarding the used consumables
  • Calibrations
  • Replacement of parts
  • Flush protocol
  • Data backup
  • Troubleshooting errors, alerts, warning messages


Frequency of maintenance:

The following schedule is required to maintain TrueNAT instrument(s):

  • Daily, monthly maintenance by lab personnel
  • As and when required (need based) by lab personnel/ manufacturer
  • Annual maintenance by the manufacturer.


Posters on maintenance provided by manufacturer are shown in Figure 1(A)- (B)


Figure 1(A): Considerations (Do’s and Don’ts) for use of Trueprep Device; Source: MolBio Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd.



Figure 1(B): Considerations (Do’s and Don’ts) for use of Truelab Device; Source: MolBio Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd.






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