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Advantages of TB Diagnostics through Culture methods are as follows:


  • Used for testing both the pulmonary & Extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis (EP-TB) specimens for drug susceptibility to first as well as second-line anti-TB drugs
  • Used to monitor response to treatment and for long-term follow-up
  • Have higher sensitivity and specificity than the molecular testing for TB; referred to as Gold Standards
  • Useful in identifying live bacteria during treatment follow-up of Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) cases, where genotypic methods may prove misleading


Limitations of TB Diagnostic through Culture Methods are as follows:


  • Turnaround time for cultures for TB diagnosis is longer than the molecular testing for TB
  • There is a higher rate of contamination in liquid culture
  • Cannot be maintained at all levels of the healthcare system as specialized labs are required for them
  • They require a sophisticated laboratory with expensive infrastructure and laboratory equipment along with trained microbiologists





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