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Risk monitoring is a regular inspection of the laboratory environment to monitor risks and control measures.


Stages of Risk Monitoring


1. Thorough investigation of lab incidents/lab accidents to understand the reason for such accidents

2. Review of corrective actions taken after the lab incident/lab accident​

3. Implementation of preventive measures​ post-incident to prevent the future occurrence of such events

4. Documenting the process​ of risk monitoring


Importance​ of Risk Monitoring

Risk monitoring is important to ensure that selected and implemented biosafety measures are constantly improved.


Development of a new procedural risk assessment/ review of an existing one is required in the following situations: ​​


  • If there is an initiation of new work or there is a change in the work environment
  • ​If there are some alterations to the workflow or volume of work done ​
  • ​Construction of a new lab or modification in the lab structure ​
  • ​Introduction of new equipment into the lab ​
  • Alterations in staffing arrangements
  • ​Alterations in standard operating procedures or working practices ​
  • ​Major incidents in the laboratory like a major spill ​
  • ​Evidence of, or suspicion of, any staff acquiring a Laboratory Acquired Infection ​
  • ​Emergency responses and contingency planning requirements





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