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NTEP Performance Indicator – Percentage Of Multidrug-resistant (MDR)/ Rifampicin-resistant (RR) Patients Initiated on Treatment Out of Totally Diagnosed


This is an indicator to monitor Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT).

Indicator Numerator Denominator Multiplier Data source
Percentage of MDR/ RR-TB patients initiated on treatment out of totally diagnosed Number of MDR/ RR-TB patients started on treatment during the defined time period Total number of diagnosed cases of MDR/ RR-TB during the defined time period 100 PMDT quarterly reports

The numerator includes all the cases of MDR and RR initiated on treatment during the defined period.



District X has a total of 2 cases of RR-TB alone and one case of MDR-TB diagnosed in the first quarter of 2021. Two among them were initiated on MDR-TB treatment.

% MDR-TB initiated on treatment out of totally diagnosed during the first quarter of 2021 = {2/ (2+1)} * 100 = 66.6%





Question​ Option 1​ Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​  

What is the denominator of the percentage of MDR-TB cases initiated on treatment out of the totally diagnosed?



Total diagnosed cases of MDR-TB Total diagnosed cases of RR-TB Both 1 and 2 added Total notified cases of TB    3 ​All cases of drug-resistant TB diagnosed in the specified time are included in the denominator of the percentage of MDR-TB cases initiated on treatment out of the totally diagnosed.        

Content Creator



Renjini Wed, 03/08/2022 - 23:30

NTEP Performance Indicator 6 – Percentage Of MDR/RR Patients Initiated on Treatment Out of Totally Diagnosed

This is an indicator to monitor programmatic management of Drug Resistant TB(PMDT)


% MDR TB /RR TB Patients initiated on treatment out of totally diagnosed =



Numerator and Denominator


Data source

Number of MDR /RR TB patients started on treatment in the defined time period in the specific TU/ District/ state (Numerator)

This includes all the cases of Rifampicin resistant and multi drug resistant cases for whom the treatment is started

PMDT quarterly reports




Total number of Diagnosed cases of  RR/MDR -TB in the defined time period in the specific state/ District/ TU





All the diagnosed cases of Rifampicin resistant and Multi Drug resistant TB  is included in the denominator


 PMDT quarterly reports






The district X has a total of 2 cases of Rifampicin resistant alone  and one case of multidrug resistant case  were diagnosed in the first quarter of 2021. Two among them were initiated on DR TB treatment

% MDR TB initiated on treatment out of totally diagnosed during the first quarter of 2021       

                                                                                                            =   66.6%



1.Guidelines For Programmatic Management Of Drug Resistant TB in India, National TB Elimination Programme ,Central TB Division Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, March 2021





option 1​

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​


The denominator of  percentage DR TB cases initiated  on treatment out of the totally diagnosed



Total  diagnosed cases of MDR TB

Total diagnosed cases of  RR TB

Both 1 and 2 added

Total notified cases of TB

  Option 3

​ This includes all cases of drug resistant TB diagnosed in the specified time