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Learning Objectives

Describe how the Laboratory Register can be exported from the Nikshay portal step by step. Narrate each steps with screen shots.


ShikhaDhawan Wed, 09/02/2022 - 17:18

Steps for generating DMC Register from Nikshay:  


  • Login to Nikshay portal '’ using login ID and password  

  • Click on the ‘Nikshay Reports’ tab on the left side menu list, from the home page  

  • Under Reports, click on ‘Patient wise List’ and select option for ‘DMC Register’

  • Figure: Screenshot of Nikshay tab to generate DMC Register 

  • Based on the log-in details, the information for the state and district gets auto-populated.  

  • The ‘TB Unit’ and ‘Health Facility Type’ can be selected.  

  • This is followed by selection for ‘Frequency’ of report (either monthly or annually).  

  • The tab ‘Generate Excel’ ID is finally selected to generate the DMC register. 



    Nikshay Reports Module 10 



    Answer 1  

    Answer 2  

    Answer 3  

    Answer 4  

    Correct answer  

    Correct explanation  

    Page id  

    Part of Pre-test  

    Part of Post-test  

    True or False: Option to generate DMC Register is available under Nikshay reports tab under patient-wise list 





    Option to generate DMC Register is available under Nikshay reports tab under patient-wise list