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District Drug-resistant TB Centres (DDR-TBCs) are dedicated centres for providing DR-TB services for patients and can be established at the district or sub-district level. ​

  • It may be established in institutes like medical colleges, district hospitals, TB hospitals and private or corporate institutes, trust hospitals or other sector hospitals, with the availability of required clinical expertise. ​
  • There should be at least one DDR-TBC available in each district. However, more than one DDR-TBC can be established to improve the access and preference of patients to seek care. ​
  • DDR-TBC can be established on an Outpatient Department (OPD) basis as well. ​
  • Central TB Division (CTD) should be informed about the up-gradation of any institute to a DDR-TBC.​
  • Requirements for infrastructure and Human Resources (HR) may be proposed in the annual Programme Implementation Plan (PIP). 


TB Services Available at the DDR-TB Centre


Pre-treatment Evaluation (PTE): Basic investigations required for initiating DR-TB regimens, examples include:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH) tests
  • Renal function tests
  • Liver function tests
  • Electrocardiogram, etc.


Treatment Services: Trained experts can initiate all DR-TB regimens at the DDR-TBC.



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