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The procedure for processing urine in TB cultures is as follows: 


  • Aliquot the entire volume in several centrifuge tubes.
  • Concentrate the specimen by centrifugation in 50 ml centrifuge tubes for 20-25 minutes.
  • Resuspend the pellet in each tube with 1-2 ml of sterile water and pool together with a total volume of 5-10 ml.
  • Decontaminate sediment with 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 15-20 minutes and proceed as similar to processing sputum.


The processed specimen is used to inoculate the MGIT tubes.


NOTE: Isolation of mycobacteria from urine specimens using MGIT has not been validated by Becton, Dickinson & Company (MGIT 960 manufacturer) but other investigators have reported successful isolation of mycobacteria from urine specimens. When performed, the sample to be used is:


  • Totally voided, early morning urine specimen
  • Pooled or mid-stream urine is not recommended.






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