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Diagnostic Algorithm for Paediatric DR-TB
Learning ObjectivesDiagnostic Algorithm for Paediatric DR-TB
All childhood TB patients’ sputum and other relevant samples (e.g. gastric aspirate, induced sputum, bronchoscopic lavage, lymph node aspiration, CSF, tissue biopsies etc.) should be subjected to genotypic or the phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Tests (DSTs). Based on the bacteriological confirmation, the child should be treated for DS/DR TB as required.
But in cases where the child’s DST is unknown, the source patient’s DST should be considered.
If the source is a known DS TB, treat the child for DS TB. If the child responds poorly to the DS TB treatment consult the pediatrician and re attempt the necessary investigations.
If the source patient is a known DR TB patient, consult with the pediatrician and re-attempt DST on an appropriate specimen from the child and treat as per the child’s DST (if the report is conclusive), if not then treat the child as DR TB after the source patient.
If the source patient’s DST status is not known perform DST on the child’s and the source patient’s specimen and treat the child as per the DST of the child or the source patient, whichever report is conclusive.
Pediatric TB patients should be presented to and discussed with a DR-TBC Committee (including the pediatrician) to decide the treatment.

Figure: Diagnostic Algorithm for Paediatric DR-TB; Source: Guidelines on Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT) in India,2021, CTD, MoHFW, India, p39.
Abbr: DR-TB: Drug-resistant TB; DS-TB: Drug-sensitive TB; NAAT: Nucleic Acid Amplification Test; MGIT: Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube; DST: Drug Susceptibility Testing; DRT: Drug Resistance Testing; BAL: Bronchoalveolar Lavage.
- Guidelines on Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB (PMDT) in India, 2021, CTD, MoHFW, India.
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Whose DST report should be considered if the child's DST is not known? | Source Patient's DST | Any other patient's DST | No other patient's DST | None of the Above | 1 | If the child's DST is not known, source patient's DST should be considered. | | Yes | Yes |
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