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The Medical Officer (MO) of the referring health facility initiates TB treatment on receipt of the diagnostic test results. All efforts are made to initiate the treatment at the earliest.

The treatment regimen is decided based on the type of patient and TB (based on drug sensitivity pattern, i.e., drug-sensitive TB or H-mono/ poly resistance, history of adverse drug reaction to anti-TB drugs).

The patient needs constant support of a health volunteer or peer, who can monitor the treatment, help him in getting a follow-up, keep him motivated, counsel the family/ contact persons, etc. These health volunteers/ peers are called treatment supporters in NTEP.


The steps in treatment initiation include:

  • The MO performs a clinical evaluation of the patient and assesses for comorbidities.
  • Counselling of TB patients and their families should be done.
  • Peripheral health worker/ treatment supporters responsible for monitoring treatment adherence and treatment providers acceptable to the patient should be assigned.
  • A treatment card should be opened for each patient.
  • Each patient should be given a TB Identity Card.
  • Drugs should be made available at the treatment centre.
  • Public health action for all notified TB patients should be initiated.

All the process related to patient treatment initiation should be documented in Nikshay. 




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What key activities are included during TB treatment initiation? Clinical evaluation Counselling Treatment card and TB ID card opened, Nikshay updated with treatment details  All the above 4 During TB treatment initiation the key activities include clinical evaluation of the patient; counselling of patient and family members; opening of treatment card and TB ID card and updating of treatment details on Nikshay. Yes Yes

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